Our employee owners have been supporting a remediation project in the Philippines. Diesel fuel leaked from a storage tank and seeped into the groundwater and soil. Emergency measures were taken but clean-up was delayed due to COVID restrictions. After some of the more strict COVID restrictions were lifted, CSS scientists joined the environmental due diligence crew to continue the assessment and start the remediation process. Our experienced team provided consulting services, and assisted with groundwater and soil sample collection and testing. Currently, our team is assisting with bringing this project to the finish line, which will be a major accomplishment given the delays and challenges, including cultural differences, heightened security, the remote location, and continued COVID restrictions.

Several holding tanks within a fenced in area next to a field.

The tank farm where the leak occurred in the Philippines.

A large jar of cloudy water with brownish drops.

Groundwater sample with visible diesel fuel collected near the tank farm.

Person scoops soil from a metal tube into a metal bowl

Soil sample collected near the tank farm where the diesel leak occurred.

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Bee in a large, bright yellow bloom

Over 40 Years of Support

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Training the Next Generation of Researchers 

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