- Community Spotlight
- Environmental Resource Assessment & Management
Providing Skills to Build Relationships with Underserved Communities
CSS talented learning specialists supporting NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management (for which we subcontract through Lynker) are integral contributors to a team of federal staff and affiliates who develop training to assist coastal community decision makers and resource managers with building skills needed to enhance their communities. CSS learning specialists recently led the development of a workshop, titled “Let’s Talk About Trust: A Collaborative Learning Opportunity to Reflect on Building Long-Term Relationships with Underserved Communities.” Federal staff discovered this topic is a desired area of interest following a needs assessment they conducted. Results identified that building trust with underserved communities is essential to creating a sustainable and just future. With this critical need becoming more evident and urgent in recent years, the team recognized the demand to provide community leaders and managers with new skills and to help them gain new perspectives to do this work. CSS employee owners developed the workshop while checking in with federal staff at key points along the development process.
CSS employee owners delivered this workshop at Social Coast Forum in Charleston, SC, a conference focused on applying social science data, tools, and practices to address coastal community issues, including climate change, the economy, infrastructure, environmental issues and more. Throughout the workshop, participants reflected on the concept of trust, co-created a list of best practices, and departed the workshop equipped with a suite of resources to use moving forward. The workshop was well received with positive post-workshop survey results. In addition, CSS learning specialists have received an overwhelming number of requests for this workshop and are planning future offerings with Great Lakes and South Carolina partners.

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Examining Cetaceans for Contamination and Pathogens
CSS has employee owners who are experts in monitoring cetacean health. Several CSS scientists supporting NOAA’s Centers for Coastal Ocean Science have recently conducted research and tests on marine mammals to explore uncommon behaviors and causes for strandings. View some examples of this research below. Microplastics are becoming increasingly abundant in coastal and marine environments.…

Studying Mesophotic Coral Health
Mesophotic coral can live at depths of 500 feet below the ocean surface. Even at this depth, some of the mesophotic corals in the Gulf of Mexico were affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010. Our coral scientists supporting NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science are studying the extent of this impact.…

Safety Support To First Responders
First responders put their lives on the line to help others, and our team helps safeguard their protection. Our team on contract with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Respiratory Protection Program works with staff to test respirators and establish secure fits. Similarly, they provide these fit tests for fire department personnel on a regular…