Social Values Relative to Wind Energy
CSS assisted in the assessment of social values related to understanding and support of offshore wind energy sitings off North and South Carolina.
Social Values Relative to Wind Energy:
In support of BOEM’s Office of Renewable Energy Programs, CSS social scientists collaborated with NOAA, the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill to assess the social values of residents living near the Outer Continental Shelf offshore of North Carolina. The study provides BOEM and NOAA with an enhanced understanding for siting of offshore wind energy areas and the likelihood of local engagement in social action to support or oppose renewable energy projects. We used surveys to document the importance of coastal areas to residents and assess community perception of how wind energy development may benefit or detract from the region. Our staff conducted spatial analyses of demographic data to inform sampling design; contributed to survey design; developed communications plans; and helped lead project

Additional Projects

Red Hill Drinking Water Crisis
CSS supported the U.S. EPA Red Hill response operations in Hawaii in early 2022.
Regulatory Documentation Development
CSS develops documents to meet the requirements of environmental regulations.

Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) ES&H Support
CSS provided on-site environmental, safety, and health support 24 hours per day/five days per week to support approximately 1,900 employees occupying 1.4 million square feet of floor space at BEP’s Washington, DC, facility (DCF).

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