Predictive Modeling/Spatial Planning, NY Bight
CSS designed and implemented this integrated data acquisition, data management, and statistical predictive modeling to select optimal wind farm locations while minimally impacting seabirds.
Predictive Modeling/Spatial Planning, NY Bight.
CSS designed and implemented this integrated data acquisition, data management, and statistical predictive modeling to assess the technical feasibility of selecting optimal locations for placing wind farms while minimizing impacts to seabirds. We developed regional ecosystem maps delineating seabird species occurrence and abundance, integrating NOAA’s oceanic and atmospheric observational data. We coordinated this effort with NOAA partners including BOEM, USGS, USFWS, DOE; state, regional, industry, and academic groups; and NGOs. This project received the NOAA Bronze Medal
Additional Projects
Predictive Modeling and the HABTracker
CSS scientists helped develop HABTracker, a HAB Forecast system.
Maintenance and Repair of Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF), Space Florida
CSS served as the prime contractor performing comprehensive facilities management for the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) and accompanying facilities. Now called the Launch and Landing Facility (LLF), it is one of the longest runways in the world at 15,000 feet, serving NASA and private aviation and commercial science companies. CSS assisted Space Florida in transitioning…
Hazard Analysis Support to the Transportation Security Administration
CSS has provided safety and health support, and a variety of other activities in support of Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Office of Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE) programs.
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